HGTV Words

Posted by J. Fontana | Posted in | Posted on 6:46 PM

I'm watching HGTV right now. What I notice is that in 99% of the programs, someone always must mention 'hardwood floors', i.e. "Oh, I love these hardwood floors!" or "Wow, look at the hardwood floors, they're gorgeous." What stings my brain is the use of the very specific term 'hardwood' instead of just saying 'wood'. Rarely is softwood used in flooring, and even so, what does it matter? So why don't people just say 'wood floors'?

I also have noticed the extreme overuse of the word 'space', as in "I love this space." or "Boy, we really could do wonders with this space." or "Always use neutral paint colors, to open up the space." I suggest the use of an alternate word once in a while, such as "area", "room", "region" or simply the name of the area, like bathroom or toilet. By the way, it seems that most Americans find it unthinkable to utter the word "toilet", as if it were some horrific profanity.

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