Annoying Phrases and Words (Jargon) in the Construction Trade

Posted by J. Fontana | Posted in | Posted on 3:59 PM

  1. Door-Wall: It's either a door or a wall, not both.
  2. Back-Butter: So when you are applying grout adhesive, it's okay to mix some butter in there as well?
  3. Sweat the pipes: Whomever started this phrase had some mental problems.
  4. 2 x 4: Annoying, as the actual dimension is 1-1/2" x 3-1/2" 
  5. 110 VAC: It's actually 120V, but people still think is okay to just say "110"
  6. 220 VAC: No, it's 240V
  7. Rip Cut: How exactly is one ripping a board? Better to say Ripsaw cut.
  8. Pull a permit: This one is especially annoying. Why is it "pull?" No one ever says they are going to "pull" a parking permit or I'm going to pull a driver's permit.
  9. Lay up : How is one laying "UP" something? You always lay DOWN things, never up.
  10. Hardwood Floors: Rarely (if ever) are they SOFTwood, so one doesn't need to say hard -- just say wood floors please.
  11. Garden Tub: How is it that gardens suddenly relate to bathtubs?

More are on the way.

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